Receiving Automation Results
You can specify an API endpoint where you'll receive data each time a user's automation is run.
Configuring Your Callback URL#
To configure your Automation Results Callback URL, navigate to the Configuration page of the Rollout Dashboard, and scroll to the bottom.
There you'll see an input where you can provide a URL:

Request Specification#
Your callback URL will need to support the POST
method and the "application/json" Content-Type
For security, we highly recommend that you check that the value of the Authorization
header matches your verificationToken
, which you can find on the Configuration page as well.

Automation Results Data#
Automation results data is provided as the JSON body of the request to your Automation Results endpoint. A specifciation of the result data type can be found below
The defintion of the Automation
type referenced below can be found here.
type AutomationRunResult = {triggerEvent: {id: string;createdAt: string;};automation: Automation;userId: string;actionResult: { ok: true; data: any } | { ok: false; error: any };};