
Action: Update or Create Lead

appKey: close
actionKey: updateOrCreateLead

Action Inputs

The following parameters are available when configuring this action:

The filter to search a lead by. One of:
- namePartial
- urlPartial
- phonePartial
- emailPartial
- nameExact
- urlExact
- phoneExact
- emailExact

The value to filter by.

The email of the contact which the Lead is associated with.

The name of the contact which the Lead is associated with.

The phone of the contact which the Lead is associated with.

The title of the contact which the Lead is associated with

The URL of the contact which the Lead is associated with.

The custom fields to be attached to the Lead. Note: The custom fields are dynamically loaded from a user's account.

The description of the Lead.

The name of the Lead.

The content of the note attached directly to the Lead.

The confidence of the opportunity in percentage format without the % sign. E.g., 75 for 75%.

The content of the note when attaching an opportunity.

The value of the opportunity.

The status of the Lead. Note: The dropdown values are populates from a user's organization settings.

The URL of the Lead, typically a company website.