Trigger: New Prospect
Event Paremeters
The following properties can be referenced when an event occurs:Property | Label | Type |
id | ID | string |
firstName | First Name | string |
lastName | Last Name | string |
fullName | Full Name | string |
avatar | Avatar | string |
source | Source | string |
email | string | |
emailType | Email Type | string |
phone | Phone | string |
phoneType | Phone Type | string |
status | Status | string |
address | Address | string |
city | City | string |
birthday | Birthday | string |
state | State | string |
zip | ZIP | string |
assignedUserId | Assigned User Id | string |
assignedUserName | Assigned User Name | string |
assignedUserEmail | Assigned User Email | string |
assignedUserPhone | Assigned User Phone | string |
assignedUserPhone | Assigned User Phone | string |
doNotCall | Do Not Call | string |
lastContact | Last Contact | string |
lastConversation | Last Conversation | string |
lastSubject | Last Subject | string |
timezone | Timezone | string |
field1 | Field 1 | string |
field2 | Field 2 | string |
field3 | Field 3 | string |
field4 | Field 4 | string |
field5 | Field 5 | string |
createdAt | Created At | string |
updatedAt | Updated At | string |
businessId | Business Id | string |
businessName | Business Name | string |
tags | Tags | string |
conversationalistId | Conversationalist ID | string |
conversationalistName | Conversationalist Name | string |
pipelineId | Pipeline Id | string |
pipelineName | Pipeline Name | string |
customStatusId | Custom Status Id | string |
customStatusName | Custom Status Name | string |
customSubStatusId | Custom Sub Status Id | string |
customSubStatusName | Custom Sub Status Name | string |
mortgageProspectId | (Mortgage) Prospect Id | string |
mortgageLeadId | (Mortgage) Lead Id | string |
mortgageCompanyName | (Mortgage) Company Name | string |
mortgageBirthday | (Mortgage) Birthday | string |
mortgageZip | (Mortgage) Zip | string |
mortgageLoanAmount | (Mortgage) Loan Amount | string |
mortgageDownPayment | (Mortgage) Down Payment | string |
mortgageLoanProgram | (Mortgage) Loan Program | string |
mortgageCreditScore | (Mortgage) Credit Score | string |
mortgageLoanType | (Mortgage) Loan Type | string |
mortgageLoanPurpose | (Mortgage) Loan Purpose | string |
mortgagePropertyValue | (Mortgage) Property Value | string |
mortgagePropertyAddress | (Mortgage) Property Address | string |
mortgagePropertyUnitNumber | (Mortgage) Property Unit Number | string |
mortgagePropertyCity | (Mortgage) Property City | string |
mortgagePropertyState | (Mortgage) Property State | string |
mortgagePropertyZip | (Mortgage) Property Zip | string |
mortgagePropertyCounty | (Mortgage) Property County | string |
mortgageFoundHome | (Mortgage) Found Home | string |
mortgageBankruptcy | (Mortgage) Bankruptcy | string |
mortgageForeclosure | (Mortgage) Foreclosure | string |
mortgageWorkingWithAgent | (Mortgage) Working With Agent | string |
mortgageAgentName | (Mortgage) Agent Name | string |
mortgageLeadSource | (Mortgage) Lead Source | string |
mortgageInterestRate | (Mortgage) Interest Rate | string |
mortgageRequestedApr | (Mortgage) Requested Apr | string |
mortgagePropertyType | (Mortgage) Property Type | string |
mortgagePropertyUse | (Mortgage) Property Use | string |
mortgageBankruptcyDetails | (Mortgage) Bankruptcy Details | string |
mortgageForeclosureDetails | (Mortgage) Foreclosure Details | string |
mortgageOccupation | (Mortgage) Occupation | string |
mortgageHouseholdIncome | (Mortgage) Household Income | string |
mortgageCurrentStep | (Mortgage) Current Step | string |
mortgagePurchasePrice | (Mortgage) Purchase Price | string |
mortgageCashOutAmount | (Mortgage) Cash Out Amount | string |
mortgageApplicationDate | (Mortgage) Application Date | string |
mortgageCloseDate | (Mortgage) Close Date | string |
recruitingJobTitle | (Recruiting) Job Title | string |
recruitingCompanyName | (Recruiting) Company Name | string |
recruitingLinkedinUrl | (Recruiting) Linkedin Url | string |
recruitingStartDate | (Recruiting) Start Date | string |
recruitingNmls | (Recruiting) NMLS | string |
recruitingConsumerFacing | (Recruiting) Consumer Facing | string |
recruitingTypesOfLoan | (Recruiting) Types Of Loan | string |
recruitingVolumeMonetary | (Recruiting) Volume Monetary | string |
recruitingVolumeAmount | (Recruiting) Volume Amount | string |
recruitingSoftwareUtilized | (Recruiting) Software Utilized | string |
recruitingLeadSources | (Recruiting) Lead Sources | string |
recruitingStateLicenses | (Recruiting) State Licenses | string |
recruitingWorkFromHome | (Recruiting) Work From Home | string |
recruitingCompensationRange | (Recruiting) Compensation Range | string |
insuranceReferralSource | (Insurance) Referral Source | string |
insuranceCompanyName | (Insurance) Company Name | string |
insuranceZip | (Insurance) Zip | string |
insuranceInsuranceCity | (Insurance) City | string |
insuranceInsuranceState | (Insurance) State | string |
insuranceInsuranceAddress | (Insurance) Address | string |
insuranceBirthday | (Insurance) Birthday | string |
insuranceApartmentNumber | (Insurance) Apartment Number | string |
insuranceMaritalStatus | (Insurance) Marital Status | string |
insuranceHeight | (Insurance) Height | string |
insuranceWeight | (Insurance) Weight | string |
insuranceWeightChange | (Insurance) Weight Change | string |
insuranceIncome | (Insurance) Income | string |
insuranceOccupation | (Insurance) Occupation | string |
insuranceWorkPhone | (Insurance) Work Phone | string |
insuranceNetWorth | (Insurance) Net Worth | string |
insuranceInsuranceDeclined | (Insurance) Declined | string |
insuranceGender | (Insurance) Gender | string |
insuranceDependents | (Insurance) Dependents | string |
insuranceSmoker | (Insurance) Smoker | string |
insuranceCreatedAt | (Insurance) Created At | string |
insuranceUpdatedAt | (Insurance) Updated At | string |
insuranceCreditStanding | (Insurance) Credit Standing | string |
insuranceFloodInterest | (Insurance) Flood Interest | string |
insuranceEarthquakeInterest | (Insurance) Earthquake Interest | string |
insuranceDeductible | (Insurance) Deductible | string |
insuranceCoverageAmount | (Insurance) Coverage Amount | string |
insuranceLiabilityAmount | (Insurance) Liability Amount | string |
insuranceDui | (Insurance) Dui | string |
insuranceOccupancyStatus | (Insurance) Occupancy Status | string |
insurancePropertyUse | (Insurance) Property Use | string |
insurancePropertyType | (Insurance) Property Type | string |
insuranceLicenseStatus | (Insurance) License Status | string |