Dynamics 365 Business Central
Trigger: Sales Order Updated
Trigger Inputs
The following parameters are available when configuring this trigger:
Event Paremeters
The following properties can be referenced when an event occurs:Property | Label | Type |
id | Id | string |
number | Number | string |
externalDocumentNumber | External Document Number | string |
orderDate | Order Date | string |
postingDate | Posting Date | string |
customerId | Customer Id | string |
customerNumber | Customer Number | string |
customerName | Customer Name | string |
billToName | Bill To Name | string |
billToCustomerId | Bill To Customer Id | string |
billToCustomerNumber | Bill To Customer Number | string |
shipToName | Ship To Name | string |
shipToContact | Ship To Contact | string |
sellToAddressLine1 | Sell To Address Line 1 | string |
sellToAddressLine2 | Sell To Address Line 2 | string |
sellToCity | Sell To City | string |
sellToCountry | Sell To Country | string |
sellToState | Sell To State | string |
sellToPostCode | Sell To Post Code | string |
billToAddressLine1 | Bill To Address Line 1 | string |
billToAddressLine2 | Bill To Address Line 2 | string |
billToCity | Bill To City | string |
billToCountry | Bill To Country | string |
billToState | Bill To State | string |
billToPostCode | Bill To Post Code | string |
shipToAddressLine1 | Ship To Address Line 1 | string |
shipToAddressLine2 | Ship To Address Line 2 | string |
shipToCity | Ship To City | string |
shipToCountry | Ship To Country | string |
shipToState | Ship To State | string |
shipToPostCode | Ship To Post Code | string |
shortcutDimension1Code | Shortcut Dimension 1 Code | string |
shortcutDimension2Code | Shortcut Dimension 2 Code | string |
currencyId | Currency Id | string |
currencyCode | Currency Code | string |
pricesIncludeTax | Prices Include Tax | string |
paymentTermsId | Payment Terms Id | string |
shipmentMethodId | Shipment Method Id | string |
salesperson | Salesperson | string |
partialShipping | Partial Shipping | string |
requestedDeliveryDate | Requested Delivery Date | string |
discountAmount | Discount Amount | string |
discountAppliedBeforeTax | Discount Applied Before Tax | string |
totalAmountExcludingTax | Total Amount Excluding Tax | string |
totalTaxAmount | Total Tax Amount | string |
totalAmountIncludingTax | Total Amount Including Tax | string |
fullyShipped | Fully Shipped | string |
status | Status | string |
lastModifiedDateTime | Last Modified Date Time | string |
phoneNumber | Phone Number | string |
email | string | |
lineItems | Line Items | string |