Trigger: Order Updated
Trigger Inputs
The following parameters are available when configuring this trigger:
Event Paremeters
The following properties can be referenced when an event occurs:Property | Label | Type |
orderId | Order Id | string |
isApproved | Is Approved | string |
originalOrderId | Original Order Id | string |
destinationFacilityId | Destination Facility Id | string |
distributorFacilityId | Distributor Facility Id | string |
shipmentId | Shipment Id | string |
orderTimestamp | Order Timestamp | string |
subTotalPrice | Sub Total Price | string |
exciseTaxRate | Excise Tax Rate | string |
taxes | Taxes | string |
pretaxDiscounts | Pretax Discounts | string |
totalDiscounts | Total Discounts | string |
totalCharges | Total Charges | string |
totalPrice | Total Price | string |
deliveryFee | Delivery Fee | string |
totalPaid | Total Paid | string |
taxPaymentDirection | Tax Payment Direction | string |
lastUpdatedBy | Last Updated By | string |
lastUpdatedTimestamp | Last Updated Timestamp | string |
createdBy | Created By | string |
createdTimestamp | Created Timestamp | string |
invoiceDate | Invoice Date | string |
shippedTimestamp | Shipped Timestamp | string |
originFacility | Origin Facility | string |
destination | Destination | string |
distributor | Distributor | string |
salesRep | Sales Rep | string |
originType | Origin Type | string |
orderStatus | Order Status | string |
paymentStatus | Payment Status | string |
taxType | Tax Type | string |
paymentTerm | Payment Term | string |
notes | Notes | string |
charges | Charges | string |
discounts | Discounts | string |
orderLines | Order Lines | string |
destinationAlias | Destination Alias | string |
destinationTotalOpenBalance | Destination Total Open Balance | string |
destinationNumberOpenInvoices | Destination Number Open Invoices | string |