

tokenstringtrueToken to authenticate the end user.
apiBaseUrlstringfalse to the Rollout HQ api endpoint.
onAutomationCreatedSee AutomationCreator
onBeforeAutomationCreate({ automationData }) => (boolean | { automationData) }See AutomationCreator
prefilledobjectfalseData that can be prefilled for the trigger. Please see the section on creating automations.
getDefaultActionInputParamsfalseSee Dynamically Prefilling Actions.
filter(automation) => booleanfalseA predicate function callback used to filter the automations.
allowedActionsobject | functionfalseSee Limiting Allowed Apps.
allowedTriggersobject | functionfalseSee Limiting Allowed Apps.
titlestringfalseCustomizes the title of the manager.
searchPlaceholderstringfalseCustomizes the placeholder of the search bar.
noAutomationsMessagestringfalseCustomizes the message displayed when no automations are found.
newButtonTextstringfalseCustomizes the text of the button used for creating new automations.
saveButtonTextstringfalseCustomizes the text of the button used for saving an automation.
deleteButtonTextstringfalseCustomizes the text of the button used for deleting an automation.
viewButtonTextstringfalseCustomizes the text of the view button on an item's menu.
variableMenuActivatorstringfalseCustomizes the text that triggers variable list in text editor.