Managed auth

When is Third-Party Auth Required#

When a user wants to subscribe to a Trigger or execute an Action in a third-party app, they will be required to authenticate their account for that app. For example, if a user wants to send a Slack message, they will have to authenticate their account so that Rollout can send messages to that Slack workspace.

What does Rollout manage auth?#

Rollout provides:

  • a pre-built auth flow for each supported third-party app
  • a secure environment to store the auth data
  • UI components for users to manage their authentications
  • auth management infrastructure including: compatability with all auth types (OAuth 1 & 2, API Tokens, etc), mapping of auth scopes to supported Triggers/Actions and auth token refresh functionality

When using most Rollout UI components, the partner can fully outsource auth management to Rollout.

When creating a more custom experience using Rollout APIs, Rollout provides a programmatic way to collect auth credentials for an automation.