Publishing, Updating & Deleting Triggers

Publishing your Trigger#

Once you've configured your Trigger, please make sure to test it thoroughly before rolling it out to users. To make the new Trigger visible to users, you will want to click the Publish button in the top right of the Create Trigger wizard.

Updating your Trigger#

While configuring your triggering and testing it, you can update your Trigger however you'd like. Once a Trigger is pubished, however, it can no longer be updated through the wizard or Rollout API. Versioning for Triggers is coming soon; if you need to make any changes to a published Trigger in the mean time, please reach out to [email protected].

Deleting your Trigger#

Whenever possible, you should avoid deleting Triggers that are published and attached to user Automations. If you decide to delete your Trigger, all user Automations using the Trigger will be deactivated.